Looking for a job at CodeIgniter? Then you are exactly right here. In this blog article, we bring you the best CodeIgniter interview questions and answers. CodeIgniter is an open source rapid development software web framework for use in building dynamic websites with PHP CodeIgniter is loosely based on the popular Model-View-Controller (MVC) development pattern. There are numerous leading companies offering many CodeIgniter jobs such as: PHP Developer using CodeIgniter Framework, Senior PHP Developer, CodeIgniter Backend Developer, etc.
CodeIgniter is designed to deliver maximum performance in less time in a clean environment. To achieve this, each development process is simplified.
From a technical point of view, it’s dynamic instantiation (libraries are loaded on demand, making them lightweight), loose coupling (components are much less dependent on each other), and component uniqueness (each class and its functions are tightly aligned to its purpose). .
The CodeIgniter framework is primarily based totally at the MVC pattern. MVC is software program that offers you a logical view impartial of the presentation view. Because of this, an internet web page consists of minimum scripting.
Learn more about what Is MVC architecture? and why should you care?
The controller files have the models. Represents its information structure. Model classes include functions that you could use to insert, retrieve, or replace statistics to your database.
models called inside your controller methods. For model load, you must use the below given code.
Include the relative path from the directory of your model, if your model is placed inside a sub-directory. Consider an example, you have a model which is placed at application/models/author/AllAuthor.php you can load it by using: $this->load->model(‘author/AllAuthor’);
Using following syntax you can load the database.
There is another method available which is automatics for that you have to add database library in autoload.php
Path : application/config/autoload.php
$autoload['libraries'] = array('database');
View folder contains all markup files like header, footer, sidebar etc. They can be reused by embedding them anywhere in the controller file. They cannot be called directly and must be loaded into the control file.
You can create file in application/views folder. For example, we have created a file Welcome.php,
You can call this Welcome.php view file in controller using below code.
defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Index extends CI_Controller
public function __construct(){
public function index(){
We will call constructor in CodeIgniter using below method
defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Index extends CI_Controller
public function __construct()
The basic URL structure is
In this class represents controller’s class that needs to be invoked.
“function” is name of method which is called.
“ID: is an additional parameter that is passed to controllers.
By default controller call index method. If you want call another method then you shoud define this method in controller and call in the url
Helpers are the set of functions that are used to help the user to perform specific tasks.
Using following sample code we can load multiple helper.
array('helper1', 'helper2', 'helper3', 'helperxxxxx')
The most important part of a CodeIgniter framework is its provided libraries. It offers a wide range of libraries that indirectly speed up the development of an application. The system library is located in system/libraries. All we have to do is load the library we want to use.
A CodeIgniter helper is a set of functions (Common functions) which help you or use them inside Models, Views, Controllers,.. everywhere.
Once you load (include) that file, you can get access to the functions.
But a Library is a class, which you need to make an instance of the class (by $this->load->library()). And you’ll need to use the object $this->… to call the methods.
Basic understanding is: A library is used in object oriented context (Controller, …), while a helper is is good or suitable to be used within the Views (non object oriented).
Example with Wildcards : There are two types of wildcards:
Example with Regular Expression : Regular expressions are also used to redirect routes.
Hook is a feature of CodeIgniter that provides a way to change the internal workings of the framework without hacking the core files. It makes it easy for you to run a script with a specific path within CodeIgniter. It is usually defined in the application/settings/hooks.php file.
We can enable hook, for that we have to go in application/config/config.php file and set it TRUE as given below code.
$config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE;
Using following code we can load multiple database in CodeIgniter
$db1 = $this->load->database('database_One', TRUE);
$db1 = $this->load->database('database_Two', TRUE);
CodeIgniter security methods is used to create a secure application and process input data. The methods are given below:
You can enable security by editing config.php file. To enable or activate CSRF token make the following code TRUE from FALSE in application/config/config.php file.
$config['csrf_protection'] = TRUE;
You have to create a file with the name Example.php under application/core/ directory and declare your class with the below code:
Class Example extends My_Controller {
// Write your code here
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I believe that these CodeIgniter interview questions would help you understand what kind of questions may be asked to you in an interview, and by going through these CodeIgniter interview questions, you can prepare and crack your next interview in one go. And I will try to update interview questions here more. So you can get more into it.
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